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Conjunto Emissor De Partìculas Carregadas, Emissor De Partìculas Carregadas, Aparelho De Solda, Conjunto De Coluna De Feixe De Partìculas Carregadas, E, Conjunto De Feixe De Partìculas Carregadas.

Sanderson Allan

A charged particle beam column assembly for mounting to an evacuated charged particle beam source chamber. The assembly has a sequence of controlled pressure chambers (55-57), each having inlet and outlet apertures (51A-54A) through which a charged particle beam can pass and an evacuation port (59) for connection to a pump to enable the pressure in the chamber to be controlled. The pressure in successive chambers (55-57) increases in use. An evacuation port (59) is connected to a downstream chamber via a conduit (145,146) which extends within the assembly past at least one upstream chamber. <IMAGE>

BR 9812505 A


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